Forgotten Time Capsule House with EVERYTHING Left Behind


ABANDONED Retro Toys, Records and Books Left Behind in an Abandoned Time Capsule House

Funny story about this now Sad Abandoned Time Capsule House, it was sometime around 2015 or 2016 and I was driving around scouting for new places to explore.

I drive past an older looking house, the exterior looks a bit run down and while the grass had been cut, it wasn't really properly maintained and there was some junk and an old car on the drive way.

Curious, I pull up and look around - from what I can see everything is almost looking abandoned, until a window opens and a sweet old woman pops her head out and says hello to me!  I mention that I am out on the hunt for old houses that are no longer lived in, and a few things made me wonder about this house and I guess I was wrong!

She laughed and said "Nope, I'm still here", I apologized for the bother and went on my way.

Now, we fast forward to early in 2020 and I see a video on YouTube where the people exploring the home show the exterior on their walk in, it was THAT house!  Inside it was most definitely left vacant for quite a long time, watching the video I knew right away that this was that house.

I sent a message to the girl who I had heard discovered it, turns out she passes the house quite often and had been watching and watching and one day she made the call to check it out and turns out she made the right call.

I will let the video and photos do the talking, this was an absolutely stunning home that is surely with a sad ending resulting in a families loss and for some reason they have not come back to pick up the pieces.

If you are a surviving family of any location I have explored and have discovered any of my posts with stress and dismay, please message me immediately.

I visit locations with deep respect, and will be happy to remove all traces of these photos and videos at your request.

Location Notice

If I approach any location to find all access points to be sealed, I always walk away.

If access is only possible via forced entry, I always walk away.

No personal belongings or items are ever removed from any location I explore.


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