Abandoned Institution

About This Abandoned Institution

This location was given to me by a good friend Urban Downfall, an explorer I have a great friendship with and mutual respect, so it is out of that respect that I am providing zero information on this location.

No History, No Exterior Photos, Nothing!

I will say that this was one of the most beautiful and peaceful buildings I have ever been in.  I stayed here for several hours, not wanting to leave!  Getting here was no easy task when you consider the drive, but then when you add in the unbelievable amounts of snow that I had to get through to find my way inside.  The facility had been 99.9% sealed up, thank God I was able to find the one and only way in and out!

Obviously the main draw of this institution is the hallways, there are 3 white arched hallways with large windows that surround an exterior courtyard.  There are several rooms as well on each of the three floors.


As I was exploring the main floor, at one point I heard a very loud bang coming from upstairs that scared the hell out of me.  I later realized that it was one of the square ceiling tiles that had dropped to the floor.

Upstairs, the ceiling tiles were dropping all over the place and they were scattered all over the floors.  Upstairs was also one of the few places of vandalism where a cooper thief had ripped insulation out from behind a shower to get to the copper.

While not nearly as interesting as the first floor it was still an interesting place to explore and photograph


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