Abandoned and Forgotten Funeral Home


This now vacant building was built in 1938 as a private home for the adopted son of the founder of the largest grocery chain in Canada.  In 1946, the home and property was sold to an MPP and lawyer who would eventually become a prominent judge in the province of Ontario.

Then in 1953 the land would change owners again, this time it was purchased by a well known and respected Dr who would later be one of the founding members of of of the most prestigious medical universities in the country.

In 1957, despite much protest from the local community, the property was sold again and was transformed into a funeral home.  An addition was constructed to the rear of the home,as well as the terrazzo floor and basement preparation room,

From 1957 through 2017 this building served the community as a funeral home under several different names and owners until the building was closed and vacated permanently in 2017.

Today, the property is being considered for a new development of an eight storey mixed use building, consisting of ground floor commercial, 99 residential units and one level of underground parking.

A heritage assessment of the property suggested that the Georgian/Colonial Revival architectural style building has been far too altered from its original state and that development of the surrounding areas leave no more cultural significance and that they do not recommend heritage status.

The heritage assessment states:

“The interior of the subject building has been completely altered from its original layout

and character. It is no longer a mid-20th Century residence in any respect”

“The attic retains some of its original character. Oak hardwood floors are still in place in

some areas. Original doors and door hardware have also been retained along with trim,

windows and wall surfaces. Unfortunately the quality of workmanship is probably not

at the same standard as the main and second floors would have experienced and the

materials also appear to be utilitarian.”

So, it would seem that the fate of this former residence and funeral home has been sealed and pending full approval of the new development this building will be demolished in the near future.


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